The Nordland shipwreck in Diakofti
The Nordland shipwreck is a popular diving spot off the coast of Kythera island and one of the best wrecks in Southern Greece. The former cargo ship was launched in …
Ορχιδέες των Κυθήρων, το βιβλίο / Orchids of Kythera, the book
written by Stavroula Fatsea Έγραψα αυτό το βιβλίο με την ελπίδα και την ευχή να γίνει αφορμή ακόμα περισσότεροι άνθρωποι να γνωρίσουν και να αγαπήσουν τις ορχιδέες. I wrote this …
Tiny critures
A different tiny world beneath our feet! Beetle worker Spring
5 Photography Locations for Your Next Trip to Kythera
UNDER CONSTRUCTION Charge your batteries and start shooting! Kythira can be the ideal island for photography all year round. Castles, beaches, nature attractions, flora, villages and a network of trails …